4 SEO Tips for Small Businesses
No matter how you look at it, a priority for you and your business should be Search Engine Optimisation. It’s the magic that you do behind the scenes, that tries to push your website higher on the search engine listings. In the age of social media marketing, Google AdWords and more, SEO can sometimes fall to the wayside, but it really shouldn’t. Although we specialise in Social Media marketing, we are always giving our clients little suggestions on how to better their Google ranking, because having strong SEO is an essential, it’s free. Today’s post includes our 4 SEO Tips for Small Businesses, and we hope that they help you.
When thinking about your website, we understand that the homepage is the golden child. This makes a lot of sense because it is the place where people usually initially land, and where they go to find out a lot about your business, in a compact way. But, with SEO every single webpage matters. All of your webpages talk to one another and it is because of this, creating internal links between pages can go a long way in Google’s eyes.
Uploading images to your website and not giving them an ALT-Tag is well… a bit of a disaster. Alt-tags are incredibly important. They serve as another piece of information that you can feed into Google to let it know what your business is all about and what you’re selling. Without an alt-tag, your images aren’t searchable and it also means that they aren’t accessible for those who are visually impaired.
When selecting the wording that you use on your website, there is a fine balance between being too broad or specific. You need to put yourself in the shoes of your consumers and think about the exact words that they’ll be putting into that search bar. If you make it too unique to your business, it might not be something that they search for. If it is too generic, you will end up being in a search result with all of your competitors. There are a few ways to help select words and keywords such as chucking keywords into Google yourself and seeing how many of your competitors are coming up. Or, if you’d like to tech it up a bit, check out Search Console.
Putting together new webpages or blog posts can be really exciting. They can look gorgeous, help your consumer, link to where they should be and more. But, your URL might not be the friendliest. We recommend keeping a consistent URL structure. For example, if you have a FAQ section and every page ends on ‘-faq’ except for one, that is a bit of a no no. Something you shouldn’t overlook is making sure your webpage URL matches the Webpage Title for starters, as Google’s bots and spiders – the automated filters by which Google ranks websites – love this.
So whether you’re a tech geek, or are just learning the ropes of the Googlesphere, these four SEO tips can provide the foundational knowledge you need to improve the online presence for your brand, big or small.
Katina is a social media coordinator at Milkbar Digital. When she isn’t geeking out over the latest Facebook Business Manager updates, you can find her describing her latest favourite meal in immense detail, or beauty blogging.
Milkbar Digital is a Melbourne social media and content production agency, specialising in small to medium businesses. We also love video production and are experts in the area of social media video marketing. Get in touch with us today!
Nice blog.. Thanks to sharing great information.
Nice work Katina. Lots of tips for small businesses that are often overlooked. Especially alt-tags and URL structures. It’s the small things that make the difference!